APPLICANT INFORMATION TRAINING QUESTIONNAIRE Individual Data * NAME * ADDRESS * CITY, STATE, ZIP * CELL PHONE * E-MAIL ADDRESS TRAINING CLASS QUESTIONNAIRE Please answer the following questions... * How did you hear about us? Web, drive by or referral? If so who? * Are you looking for a new career in Lash Extensions? YES NO MAYBE * Are you a licensed Esthetician or Cosmetologist? YES NO * If yes, how long have you worked in this industry? 0 - New Career 2 Months - 1 Year 1-2 Years 3-4 Years 5-6 Years 7+ Years * If not are you a student? YES NO * Have you had lash extension training before? * YES NO If yes, where did you have your training? Please list name of company and location. * Do you have good eyesight? If not, please explain: * I learn best by: watching hands-on training being told what to do other * Which is your dominant hand? RIGHT LEFT * What size shirt do you wear? * I understand that this training is a 3-day class and that a deposit is required 30 days prior to the scheduled training date. * YES NO * Field Label